Sunday, September 19, 2004

Hi, my name is Tina. And I am a Trend Whore.

Although I think of my style as borderline unique, I am a Trend Whore. I admit it! Don't get me wrong, I'm not trendy for the sake of being trendy. I only fall slave to trends if I like the one at hand. Or if they grow on me.

Take the case of the Pointy Boots: Junior year of college, my roommate Nicole was addicted to the Victoria's Secret Catalog. I'd browse through it on occasion, like during the marvelous Semi-Annual Sale. Anyway, she was really into these black, pointy-toed stiletto boots in the VSC. They were like, $100. So her sweet boyfriend eventually bought them for her, and she'd wear them around the house all the time—even in her PJs. I hated them. I thought she looked like a witch in them, and I told her so. She said I was jealous. I wasn't.
Well, last fall—my first fall in New York—I was suddenly jealous. Of those PBs. As I went on job interview after job interview in my round-toed clunkers, I felt like a completely unsophisticated idiot. The boots I once loathed, I wanted. A whole two years later. So last November, I bought a pair. I lived in them until May, the start of sandal-season.

Last week, I was browsing through the October issue of Glamour. The shoe du jour? Round-toed flats, pumps, boots, etc. And anything tweed. Of course, my round-toed clunkers are most likely resting on a homeless person's feet. Glenda the bag lady is trendy, and she doesn't even know it.

My point is this: Ever since that SJP/Lenny Gap commercial aired, girls across the country have been raiding Granny's jewelry box. Brooches. I mean, when I saw that cluster of brooches on SJP's abdomen, I thought "Sheer genius!" Really. And I proudly admit that just an hour ago, I spent $27 on two beautiful pins, and I am v. excited. One is a rhinestone "T," and the other is a gorgeous rhinstone..colorful thing. For the past hour, I have been fantasizing about how fabulous the brooches will look pinned on all my different blazers, cardigans and jackets. Sigh. I love being a girl. And a Trend Whore.

P.S. Instead of prescribing meds to the severely depressed, they should prescribe accessories shopping on a pretty day.

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